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    Hey all-
    Just got a message that Yarn will be on CNN tonight at 7:45...
    • CommentAuthorjgoods21
    • CommentTimeJan 20th 2012 edited
    Interesting. At 7pm is primary coverage from South Carolina for tomorrows election there. Assume its footage shot in the past few days when they were there. Wonder if the CNN crew went into a bar they were playing for some reactions from the locals. They're in GA tonight so its gotta be a taped piece. looking forward to checking it out. Thanks for posting the info.!
    Just saw a post on their Facebook. Looks like it's about the distillery.
    oops... Newt filled up all the time I guess... sorry for the false alarm

    oh well, I TEVOed it so it ain't llike I sat through Newt.

    Thanks for tryin'~
    • CommentAuthorearlbny
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2012
    I set my DVR but it cut off. Oh well.
    • CommentAuthorBrouche
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2012
    Andrew posted that this is going to be tried again at 7:50 tonight
    • CommentAuthorBrouche
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2012
    Looks like the segment should air again tonight at 11:50 EST if you missed it. Great exposure with Erin singing along to Schenectady and declaring the guys would be famous and have to start traveling by plane.
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2012 edited
    Pretty goddamn cool! You could say she was gushing and not reporting. Add one more to the Yarmy.
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2012
    That was awesome!!! My little boys were yelling look at Blake, look at Ricky B!!!!!
    • CommentAuthorBrouche
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2012
    You North Easterners will have to tell us if you see Erin Burnett at a show.
    Missed it earlier, but I'll be up working at 11:50... How exciting for them!!!
    Agree with Tous, she was definitely gushing and stumbling over her words... Perhaps she wanted to hitch a ride home in the Firefly RV? Awesome plug. Saw that the firefly spot was up on CNN's website, so look for this spot in a couple of days for those who missed it. So happy for them. Well deserved publicity.
    Just caught it - sweeet!!! They totally had her tongue-tied! What a great spot! I liked her line, "Doing what they want to do, how they want to do it" and of course, her prediction that they're gonna be big - duh... :)
    Is there a line between being tongue tied and being a dipshit? Cripes, how does that woman have a show? Also thrilled to see Yarn on mainstream media but the Schenectady video? Double cripes. I suppose it was more about Firefly than Yarn but just a few moments of them on stage would have killed.
    • CommentAuthorjgoods21
    • CommentTimeJan 24th 2012 edited
    I thought it was amazing and the best press you could ever get. National network, high rated news hour, and I thought it was all about Yarn. It said Yarn Tours American South" across the screen for most of it, then displayed their album name, then the graphic of their website and Facebook link! You cannot buy press that good anywhere in America. Oh and they actually played 45 seconds of one of their songs with the anchor singing along! Then her whole commentary on road trips at the end was about Yarn, not Firefly.

    I actually like the video and thought it worked in the piece, too. We can say we wish for more of this or that, but I cannot find anything to complain about on this segment. I thought they were very well represented and CNN was true to them as a band.

    And say what you will about her stumbling over her words...a lot. But she is a producer on that show as well as host and found that story on the road (while doing an actual segment all on Firefly distillery), and did the band a huge service. The Yarmy should be giving her all the props in the world today.
    • CommentAuthorStonyrunner
    • CommentTimeJan 24th 2012 edited
    Totally agree Jgoods...
    Having watched her the entire show on Friday, I don't think she's a dip, I think she was just emotional...
    think back to when you first heard these guys- Bet you were emotional too!

    That spot was supposed to be about Firefly and it turned into a Yarn segment. They were definitely in the right place at the right time, and if they weren't so damn good they wouldn't have gotten any coverage. Those guys self made a TV spot for themselves with talent and personality. Agreed about the Schenectady video...think CNN used it to make the connection to New York. Perhaps the CNN team will offer to shoot the next video?!
    Hopefully this is a sign of things to come and we got in on the ground floor of the next big thing... I told my kid a few years back that she'd see them on national television someday.
    So glad they proved me right... Momma knows best.
    I seem to recall a prediction I made about the grammys... hopefully that one comes true as well!
    • CommentAuthorjgoods21
    • CommentTimeJan 24th 2012
    Erin Burnett tweeted this out and Yarn retweeted it. Very cool.

    "Imagine being in a band, exploring the country. Met the members of #Yarn in SC, check them out." Than a link to Schenectady video on youtube.
    • CommentAuthorStonyrunner
    • CommentTimeJan 24th 2012 edited
    Okay... liked her on facebook... can post a thank you from yarn fans everywhere & post a video... but which one??! Help is required on this.
    We should strike while the iron is hot.
    • CommentAuthorjgoods21
    • CommentTimeJan 24th 2012

    Im partial to this one. From a tv show so quality is high. Kickin tune. Great playin. Recent.
    You guys just won't let me rain on your yarn parade will ya?!


    Go get 'em you two!
    I was thinking the same thing, use one without crowd noise... but I was thinking Abilene or Down on your Luck... I know they are some of their most requested songs when I see them... possibly more universal appeal? Maybe music city roots or this one:
    At the office so youtube is blocked, but go git 'em, you two!!!
    • CommentAuthorBrouche
    • CommentTimeJan 24th 2012
    I think the Schenectady video was used because it's the only one I can think of that is Yarn's and isn't a live video. They are trying to show case the band and not the crowd. Most videos out of them are either live shots by fans or the Music City Roots. I'd imagine you'd have to get permission to use the Music City videos. Schenectady was the easiest answer. The video sort of fits in with her talking about a road trip. The clips they used show some small town life. The exposure was invaluable for the band. How much would five minutes of advertising time have cost them during her show. They got it for free. She can stammer all she wants, people saw Yarn on a nationaly telivised program.

    I'd imagine the stammering was Ricky's fault. He's a smooth man. And it's the year of Ricky B after all.
    • CommentAuthorearlbny
    • CommentTimeJan 24th 2012 edited
    Free promo for the band. You can't beat that. I thought the whole thing was great. She did a better job then I could ever do. I love the version of Annie from Music City Roots. Here are a few other videos. the 1st 2 videos are music vidoes and the 3rd video is a live one. It’s weird seeing a live version of Music's Only Outlaw that is less then 4 minutes.

    Alright, gang - my little brain is starting to hurt from trying to pick just a couple videos, so instead I posted a thank-you with links to the Yarn website and their archive site. Man, what great publicity - woo hoo!
    As I just watched the TIVO, I stand corrected I suppose. Poor girl's just smitten ;)

    ...it is pretty cool.
    Very Cool.
    I think the old videos are almost too old... band's evolved pretty much since then...
    How about this one? I think it's perfect...

    • CommentAuthorjgoods21
    • CommentTimeJan 25th 2012
    Ahhhh....the infamous drunk show.....I didnt realize there was video evidence. That show got sloppy for all..on stage and off....I'm told I had a great time and was dancing a lot.
    • CommentAuthorStonyrunner
    • CommentTimeJan 25th 2012 edited
    Figured it is the year of Ricky B after all...
    I went with the first suggestion, the music city roots one, which now that I think of it will probably get removed since there is advertising in the beginning. I'm not the only one who can post, so if it gets removed, someone else hit the wall with one... just be careful, she's tongue -tied already, we don't want to overwhelm the poor girl.
    Have a great day people. And thanks for your help.
    "...and I know all the words!" Um, no you don't. You just know the chorus sister.....WE all know the words ;)

    And did anyone else find the porn store referrence a bit more than odd? Just why does she think that tour bus is so wonderful in the first place?!
    "And did anyone else find the porn store referrence a bit more than odd?"

    I did too! It took me a second because at first I thought she was trying to say "pawn" but then I realized she was saying porn... pretty funny!

    Lol at that video selection, stony! MCR probably a safer choice! ;) My post from yesterday afternoon is already off the first page of posts on her wall, so maybe we should take turns doing one a day so it'll stay on top!
    • CommentAuthorearlbny
    • CommentTimeJan 25th 2012
    A random Facebook friend of mine caught the CNN thing. He had no idea Yarn was going to be on. It was so cool. He knew the name of the band because I have mentioned them before but he's never listened to them. I think we now have a new fan.
    • CommentAuthorjgoods21
    • CommentTimeJan 25th 2012
    Someone posted this video of Yarn on CNN by taping their tv. Better than nothing if you missed it.

    I pretty sure they are gonna miss "the "good ol' days in the RV" when they have to go back to the white van!

    Posted it to her facebook and it was taken off in a flash.
    oh well... can't blame a girl for trying. Perhaps Erin will be at the Hiro ballroom. I think the boys need to let her know about that show. :) Perhaps Ricky got her number?

    Had to laugh Reckless... that's exactly what my kid said... "you know all the words? No, I'm pretty sure WE know ALL the words."
    • CommentTimeJan 26th 2012
    Finally watched it. An awkward piece, but great publicity. Did anyone noticed she said they were an amazing "bland"?

    Surprised they didn't re-tape her studio segment.
    • CommentTimeJan 26th 2012
    I did notice the bland comment, thought she was getting tongue tied between Blake and band...