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    • CommentAuthorjgoods21
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2011
    Hello all!

    My friend and I heading down to Bridgeport tonight for the show. Anyone else in? Should be an intimate and small show at a place called Acoustic Cafe. Looking forward to it!

    trying to track down some recording equipment at my school to tape, but will get a few FLIP videos at the least.
    I'm considering it but wifey's talkin' responsibility and nonsense like that so we'll see. Of course I'll tape if I can swing it.
    sound check recorded
    brand new song
    'best' wife reporting live....
    Sitting here with a cold one listening to andrew sound check. best wifey indeed.
    Glad to see tangled came to her senses! ;)

    Have fun, y'all!