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    Hey All,
    getting involved in a local festival that is just starting up and that has made me very very painfully aware of how much an influence facebook is on getting word out, information from bands, festivals, etc... anyway, many festivals are creating their line-ups for next summer and some are putting feelers out for information from their attendees on new bands... asking about new bands people were turned onto this past summer, etc. Anyway, I can just post comments about Yarn, but it would be better to hit them with a video that really shows the promotor what they can do... problem is, I don't have time to sit down and view Yarn youtubes for hours on end to pick the best of the best... I'm talking jammy, fun, dancing, festival music... any suggestions? What do you Yarniacs think? Any favorites? I really want to post the best of the best... problem is when they get on a roll, many of the songs are in multiple videos. I can't even tell the order of them without listening to them all the way through... don't have the time right now... anybody want to help me out? The more people who post stuff to festivals the better so jump on that horrible facebook wagon and start getting on the festival pages. I think we can all agree they can really reach a lot of people at festivals... Anyway, wanted to post videos to a few of the bigger festivals, some are even asking for people to do it, so I need your help. What do you guys think are the videos that would really hook a first time listener? this could be a great way to get the word out... Any help you can give me would be great.
    Already having second thoughts about this post, it's sure gonna suck when we can't see them in little clubs & bars anymore... the things we do for the love of Yarn...
    Hey, Stony! I'll go back through old emails I've sent to friends and see what youtube links I put in them. Maybe that'll give you something. And it IS a double-edged sword, ain't it?! I like my bands close and on low stages, but I like a good crowd too... what's a Yarniac to do? ;)
    I had an afternoon cup of coffee, so I suppose I'll supply these now while I'm up :) Here's what's worked on a few friends:

    Down on Your Luck


    Music's Only Outlaw

    Bad Bad Man

    I Wanted to Get High

    Abeline (Amazing mando)

    There's nothing recent here, but I was thinking more about picking good recordings of a mix of venues and songs. Maybe some newer ones would be the Arch Street Tavern or Floydfest??? Good luck!
    Thanks Amy! You are awesome. I realize we are all busy, but I figured people had favorites. And checking out Yarn videos is a nice assignment... Your help is very much appreciated. I don't know if this will make a difference, but I do know the more people who hear Yarn, the better for them.
    Again... thank you.
    • CommentAuthorDawg Song
    • CommentTimeSep 21st 2011
    I was searching utubes just last night ..... we need mo HIGH quality vids online.
    I'll see if someone in our group may take a "dance break" tomorrow night and grab
    some from the Chatt show.
    • CommentAuthorearlbny
    • CommentTimeSep 21st 2011
    That reminds me I have 2 smikin videos I took with my Berry. Both of them are from 2 diff Brooklyn shows. Will try and upload them to the tube. Never did that before but how hard can that be?
    What an amazing community of damn good music lovers this 5 g's site is.