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    • CommentAuthorBob
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2020
    This is a tough one because honestly there are quite a few. But 3 in particular stand out for sure.

    1. Dec. 12, 2015 Buffalo Rose Golden, Co. This was a great show from the start Annie to the end Strikes > Are you Sure Hank Done It This Way?
    The fact that Trevor was in the mix made it even better. It's on Archive and worth a listen IMHO
    2. Aug. 19, 2017 The Fountain House Fredon, NJ. This is a great show. The fact that Andy Goessling of Railroad Earth showed up and joined the boys for a few tunes is awesome enough.
    The back and forth between Andy & Rod on Outlaw is incredible. After a short rain delay, they played on. Damn near 3 hour show. More than worth a listen.
    3. Jan 24, 2020 Visulite Theater Charlotte, NC Yarn / Morrison w/ Josh Shilling. This was the second night of a 3 night run with Josh. Everyone put it all on the table that night.
    One of the best Yarn shows I have ever seen. Also on Archive.

    Come on folks, you gotta have something...