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    So, last night I had a dream that I had moved to Iowa City. I believe I was starting a new academic program there. (I have a graduate degree earned in Iowa but not University of Iowa). Anyway, coincidentally, Danny (Tennessee) was also starting a graduate program and had just moved to Iowa City. Not the same program, so we saw each other at some sort of large meet and greet. Coincidentally YARN happens to be playing in town the next day, so we make plans to go then go on our separate ways. Early the next day I head on down to check out the venue. The venue box office is closed but will be opening in about an hour. Well, rather than head home and then back, I decide to go grab breakfast and kill time until they open. I go into the cafe and Bob (Bob) is sitting at a table with three women. June is not among them and he says that she couldn't come this time but this was his sister and a couple of Aunts or cousins. Bob's excited to get to share Yarn with them. I sit and join them for breakfast. Later we all show up at the Yarn show. I didn't get a setlist for this particular show.

    Anyway, that was my dream.
    Hope they broke out Daydream!
    • CommentAuthorBob
    • CommentTimeNov 30th 2018
    You know what they say about dreams SouthernMan ……….