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    The link is up for the June release.

    Side A and alt version are Sioux City Gypsy.

    Side B is Give Thanks.

    Not viewable what the solo classic Yarn song is.

    Get some!
    The Final Bow is the solo acoustic song:

    Copied from Facebook for those not on there:

    Hey everybody. Blake here. I was just recording my solo song for the next Lucky 13 release that comes out on June 13th. The song is Final Bow, I wrote it years ago, just after we released our 1st album I believe. Back then we had a very generous investor who was keeping the band afloat. But that couldn’t last forever and the money was pretty much gone. It felt like the end of something that could’ve been very special. That moment is what inspired the song Final Bow.

    As I was recording it again for the first time in 10 years, I thought what if? What if that was the end? The most amazing things in my life would have never come to exist. I might have never met my wife or my step kids, I would have never met my best friends, the people I now call family. I know there’s been some people who’ve met their spouses at a Yarn show and many more who have made some of their greatest friends at a Yarn show.

    So I just want you all to know how grateful I am that you have stood by us and kept us from “the end” and allowed us to continue to do what we do, and given us so many amazing memories and experiences. What a ride, let’s keep driving.

    In case you’d like to listen with a new understanding of this song, here is the version we released back in the day. The new solo version will be available on June 13th with the release of Lucky 13 part 6. Love you all.
    • CommentAuthorearlbny
    • CommentTimeJun 6th 2018
    Wow. I can’t wait.
    • CommentAuthorearlbny
    • CommentTimeJun 8th 2018
    I transcribed the lyrics from the 30 second sample of the soon to be released new Yarn song called Give Thanks.

    Give Thanks By Yarn

    She works two jobs to take care of the kids and everyday she’s pulling a double shift she’s got a fine new husband who steals her shit so he can snort his meth and cocaine but tonight’s the night she’s gonna put it all to rest grab the only riffle they have left put two inside
    ^Thanks earlbny,

    Looks like another powerful love song by Yarn...can't wait to hear the whole thing
    • CommentAuthorearlbny
    • CommentTimeJun 8th 2018
    You’re welcome. Neither can I.