Welcome, Guest

    Very thankful for my good fortune of discovering Yarn this year. Getting to meet the band and some of you great folks around here has truly been a blessing and I'm hoping we get to all have a bunch ofThanksgivings together.

    So Happy Thanksgiving everyone and thank you to everyone who posts here~

    Can't wait till 12/11!
    Happy Thanksgiving everybody. Thanks so much for helping spread the word of Yarn. Have a great day with your friends and family.
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2009
    Back at ya both. 2 weeks, eh?
    Less than two weeks now ~

    I'm esp psyched 'cause Blake promised that you and me could write the setlist. They better get practicing that St Stephen ;)
    • CommentTimeNov 30th 2009
    Excellent! In that case....

    New road song for their blog and that show:

    Ernest Tubb's "Walkin' The Floor Over You" (Teddy Thompson arrangement)

    Blakes vocals would be perfect for this.