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    • CommentAuthorjgoods21
    • CommentTimeFeb 20th 2015
    Full house, no tapers visible anywhere, full review later today. Solid show but tonight is Brooklyn is where it's at.

    Yarn 2/19/15 - cafe nine nh - 1 hr. 55 min.

    ?? - came in at very end of this song and didn't recognize it.
    Empty pockets
    Jam-> down on luck
    Bobby weeks
    Music only outlaw-> funky jam->moo
    I'm so tired
    Let you down?? - new and slow w: insane bass line
    Christopher st.
    Fussing and fightin
    Let me in
    Turn on your Love light - guest drummer/ Andrew no second half (broke string)
    Abilene -> spacey jam - 8 min
    Jam->band intros/solos->
    Turn the light off
    Let it bleed


    • CommentTimeFeb 20th 2015
    Good to hear it was a full house. They deserve it after a challenging Somerville gig.