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    • CommentAuthorearlbny
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2014
    Yesterday I was on Facebook and noticed that someone posted a video to the #1 Country song in the country. They posted the video in a Gram Parsons Group I am a member of. it's like an unofficial fan club. I was about to hit play when I read the description that came with the video. The original poster went on to say the following. Noooooooo!!! This crap is #1 on the country music chart!!! Gram is rolling over in his grave!!! So I decided to comment on this video by giving Yarn a free plug. The OP read my post and wrote me the following. Thanks for the heads up on Yarn Eric Ruth. I just checked 'em out & I'm lovin' 'em!!! He then sent me a friend request and started telling all his friends about this great new band he discovered. I don't expect Yarn to start selling out stadiums overnight but they have a few more fans thanks to me.
    Nice. Spreading the gospel of Yarn...Yarnelujah!!