Welcome, Guest

    • CommentTimeOct 13th 2009

    Check it out!
    Yes, very nice. I'm still working on a new look for this place.
    • CommentTimeOct 13th 2009
    You should double the price of membership to help pay for the design and programming!
    Yeah, that's it. From now on, membership rates have doubled so I want everyone to send me nothing right away!
    Wow the web site looks great, thank you so much, I know you put a lot of effort into this and it is really truly appreciated. Hope to see you on the road again soon.

    This site? I'm actually a little embarrased that I haven't gotten my banner finished. My buddy Kevin built this front page as a temporary and I should have it completed by now. I'm just busy as hell and find all sorts of excuses to not get to it.....soon I hope.

    I'll be at the 10/23 Red Square show....you trekkin' up for that one Shane?
    No I will not be making it to Red Square, I will be on a boat with my lady, Have a great one.
    • CommentAuthorearlbny
    • CommentTimeOct 14th 2009
    I have been working crazy hours this week. I was off Monday for the holiday and then the rest of the week I am working 8:30AM-10PM everyday. I have had no time to catch my breath and check in. Its 11PM and I finally found a moment to say hello. I love the new site. Great job. I love the new band photos.
    Have you folks checked out the official website? It's got a lot of new stuff and a great new look.

    Kudos to whomever has been putting so much effort into it.