Welcome, Guest

    • CommentAuthoradmin
    • CommentTimeJun 19th 2014 edited
    When you submit your request for membership, it must be approved. I check it daily.

    Some time back, we got attacked by an auto-spam that attached itself to each thread. I therefore, require new members to respond to an e-mail sent to the address they registered simply stating that they are indeed a real person and fan. If I don't hear back, I cannot approve them. Since some folks don't use/check e-mail addresses these days, I'm going to sticky this so folks browsing will be aware of the requirement. I figure that a second e-mail to those not responding would net about the same as the first.

    So just respond to the e-mail titled " From the Admin at 5Guitars" and you'll be approved right away...we'd love to have you.
    • CommentAuthoradmin
    • CommentTimeMay 23rd 2015
    If you don't receive the e-mail mentioned above, it's because the address provided didn't work. Please check it and resubmit...thanks.
    • CommentAuthoradmin
    • CommentTimeOct 27th 2017
    Occasionally I clear out the names of applicants who don't respond to my e-mail to confirm their membership. It's probably a long shot but those using the following names have not been approved for that reason.

    luis castillo
    • CommentAuthoradmin
    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2018

    ....the latest.
    • CommentAuthoradmin
    • CommentTimeDec 24th 2018