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    • CommentTimeApr 21st 2014
    Thursday, May 15th at Deep South in Raleigh, NC. Blake Christiana's Darkest Hour (Sad Songs & Sing Alongs)...

    Well, well...

    This will be a cool night.

    Anyone from here going and taping?
    • CommentTimeApr 23rd 2014
    I might. Would have to be a SBD in this joint, I think.
    • CommentAuthorBrouche
    • CommentTimeMay 15th 2014
    Holy fuckin canpcamp fire Yarn! !
    C'mon Brouche...you can do better than that!
    • CommentAuthorBrouche
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2014
    Yeah sorry about that tease. No tapers unfortunately. Blake had someone that he met about 4 weeks ago named Caroline sit in with him on a few Yarn songs and some of her originals. Their voices worked really well together and Blake was able to show his lead picking skills off. Makes you wonder what Yarn would sound like if he picked up an electric for a song or two to trade licks with Rod. Mandy also sat in on a few doing her originals and a duet on In Spite of Ourselves. Torrential rains that night kept the crowd lite but it was an attentive and appreciative crowd as you'd expect.
    Cool, thanks.

    Blake is a fine player. That night in Deep River with just him and Andrew really showed off his playing.

    ...and LOVE In Spite Of Ourselves. That whole album is great.
    • CommentAuthorearlbny
    • CommentTimeMay 23rd 2014
    The whole band is talented. Blake is no exception.