Welcome, Guest

    • CommentAuthorearlbny
    • CommentTimeFeb 11th 2014
    sat. may 3rd @7:30
    potluck to follow


    It's a simple premise....We host National touring bands and singer-songwriters in my photo studio, with near perfect sound and sightlines, that will forever change the way you experiance live music...period. And if that were not enough, immediately following most shows, we do a potluck that has become as legendary as the performances themselves! Shoot us an e-mail for details/reservations (RSVP Required), bring a dish to share, and a friend or two and enjoy. 100% of all proceeds go directly to the artists we host. Please stop by and friend us on FACEBOOK to share Concerts in the Studio stories and photos.
    • CommentAuthorBrouche
    • CommentTimeFeb 11th 2014
    In case you are curious, it looks like this takes place in Freehold, NJ
    30 minutes from my house. Incredible roster. I'm in.
    Got my tix. Now what should I bring to the Potluck? Brownies? ;)
    Is anybody recording this show? (I left my ZOOM recorder in Boonton at HomegrownRadioNJ last night, and I don't want to drive back for it today if I don't have to...)

    Can we get a Roll call on this gig/dinner? I hear it's sold out at 60 people...

    Roll Call:

    1) DJ Easy Wind
    Did anyone get a setlist? I recorded but was a bit rough in the tight quarters couldn't use a tripod. Had to position my ZOOM in a few different spots. I'll let y'all know in a coupla days...
    For Yarniacs Only!:

    "The Squeaky Chair Tapes":

    OK, so here is my recording of Yarn's "Concerts In The Studio" performance on 5/03/14 in Frehhold, NJ. This is not my best recording ever, so I have not tracked it out for upload to LMA. However, the band was great , there was a cool audience vibe, and Blake told some great stories about the songs, particularly about how they came to work with John Oates. A hilarious story! The recording is a bit muffled due to a poor mike position. The seating was so tight, there was no way to mount a tripod, so I alternated plopping my ZOOM recorder on the soundbord table, which was blocked by the audience, and the same thing for the second location, on a chair, next to a guy who kept shifting in his seat, so you hear his plastic chair squeaking throughout. C'est la vie. This is a document for hard core Yarniacs who want to hear every note and story. Not really meant for burning to disc. It is what it is, as they say.

    Setlist assistance would be appreciated...



    DJ EZ