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    • CommentAuthoradmin
    • CommentTimeJul 31st 2012
    Thanks a lot Tdiugj......grrr. That's why I manually approve memberships and this one looked legit. Attacked the first few pages before I caught it. I might delete them but there's so many that it would take an hour or so. Anyway, that account's banned.
    it's less annoying than Music's Only Outlaw's comments on lma....
    • CommentTimeJul 31st 2012
    You got that right Pockets.
    • CommentAuthoradmin
    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2012
    Lol! Do we know that cat?

    Actually, I'd call this a lot worse. It took me a few days deleting a dozen of those at a time. It really fucked up the order of things and man, if I hadn't caught it, it would have hit every discussion on the site and that would have been really overwhelming to remove. There's no remove-all-posts-by buttons in the admin of this vanilla software.

    So, the entire reason that I have membership settings requiring approval is to keep this from happening but the e-mail looked legit. I've certainly marked that isp but what about future stuff? I'm supposing that instead of approving a new member, I could use their e-mail to ask if they're legit and explain why I'm asking but 1) is this random attack generated by a person or would that thwart future attacks and 2) would that be such a put-off that folks wouldn't want to join?

    I was also thinking that I could try to figure out settings and give administrative privleges to a few of you just so that if you happened to see something like that happening, you could ban them stat. Again, I'm so glad I caught this one in time.

    I have a hunch who MOL is....He posted on Facebook a comment similiar to something he commented on one of my shows when Yarn was in Colorado. I could whisper the name if you want.

    The idea of an email reply with a standard message "please reply to verify your email" would probably be the best solution. Usually those spam email addresses are bogus and the recipient won't respond. It is a common practice to do a "click on this link" that I don't think anyone would mind responding once more.
    • CommentTimeAug 3rd 2012
    I agree...most sites verify e-mail addresses now.

    You could also convert this to a fb page! I know how much you "like" fb!
    All persons who post pics of their food on fb should be shot.

    Fettuccine Alfredo!!!!!!!!! YUMMMMO!
    Now they SHOULD post the shit you do! ;)
    • CommentAuthorStoney
    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2012
    For Reckless... Couldn't resist.

    Lol saw that episode in full last week. Yup, pretty much sums up my opinion of facebook.

    Wifey has an account and I do skim it sometimes but no thanks on creating one. I sometimes have to resist hijacking hers to call someone out. No Jame's (her cousin) that full sized womans face tatooed up your neck onto your face is not cool, it's fucking ridiculous.

    ....minimally, they should add a "dislike" button. Oh, and a STFU button. Plus a program that recognizes pics of food and zaps them.