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    • CommentAuthorjoekingone
    • CommentTimeFeb 11th 2012
    so here is the new plan, I am trying to keep it simple;
    1st and most critical step..Win the Powerball Jackpot..I bought a ticket so I'm good..travel the country seeing every Yarn show,volunteering to sell the merchandises so as to meet and flirt with all the pretty yarnettes that can stand me..try to get in some fishing between shows..and that is it..
    I like the plan, joe! Suggestion for a slight modification of the plan: instead of selling, buy all the merch and give it away so you can be up by the stage rather than in the back. Your yarnettes will "instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano." ;)
    • CommentAuthorjoekingone
    • CommentTimeFeb 12th 2012
    Well Amy at the last show, a young Yarnette was annoyed with me, thinking I was trying to be a bigger Yarn fan than her..I told her I didn't know it was a competition..none the less I irritated her..thus making her strangely that much more attractive to me..I don't want to be on stage, front row is fine with me.. =o)