Welcome, Guest

    Hi everyone,

    I'm Mandi...I am a friend of Blake's and a fan of the band. I also happen to work for Robot Armies, a company that helps spread the word about Yarn. The boys are always in need of fans to help hang posters, sell merch, collect email addresses, etc before and during shows. If anyone is interested, let me know! Keep spreading the word about Yarn peeps!

    • CommentAuthorPONZ
    • CommentTimeJul 23rd 2009
    hey mandi. long time no see.
    • CommentAuthorearlbny
    • CommentTimeJul 23rd 2009
    I sent you an email Mandi.
    werd. got your email earlbny, you should have one from me now.

    hey Ponz, how's it going?