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    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2010
    Just got an e-mail from the club with the date on there. Hopefully the great crowd from last time comes back and we get a new home for Yarn in Hartford. Main Pub was a bit, um, too cozy last time.

    yeah but the Main Pub crowd was large because of that welcome home party. Still, B.E.S. is a much better place indeed.

    ...as long as we get that spot in front of the fireplace to tape 'cause there's virtually no other decent place to set up mics.
    • CommentAuthorjgoods21
    • CommentTimeDec 3rd 2010
    I will be making a reservation this weekend for over eight and specifically requesting that spot. I don't think it will be a problem at all....can't wait!!
    • CommentTimeDec 3rd 2010
    That'd be awesome! In return i'll have RC buy you drinks all night!
    • CommentAuthorjgoods21
    • CommentTimeDec 3rd 2010
    I will let him do that! :-) Seriously though, I owe you the drinks RC for the awesome shows you sent me!

    Let me know how many are coming with each of you and I'll make sure we have enough seats at our very own VIP table in that good spot.
    hummm, I haven't made it to Black Eyed Sally's yet....you need reservations?
    • CommentAuthorjgoods21
    • CommentTimeDec 3rd 2010
    Only if you want a table. they serve dinner there (decent cajun food), so you need a reservation if you want a table. If not, you get to stand or grab a bar stool. Definitely not necessary for this very good venue, but RC needs that taping spot, and its more comfortable to have a table and waitress service I think.