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    • CommentTimeNov 22nd 2010

    Files are all there. Hopefully, the editing is ok. I mistakenly did not post to the Yarn Music collection. I think the only way to change that is to post to their forum and have site admin do it?

    Anyway, sound is pretty good. I think it's just a Aud but I could be wrong.

    Good energetic performance and crowd. EXCEPT for the annoying constant requests for I Know You Rider. Over and over again. Where's RC and his dose of STFU?
    • CommentAuthorearlbny
    • CommentTimeNov 24th 2010
    Thanks for the heads up. I would have missed this one. Killer stuff.
    hey tous, do we know each other? I was just wondering where you got this recording? I have a copy from the soundboard, which I Tracked out, just don't know how to upload to archive or bt.etree yet. the thing is, i didn't notice any audience mics in the crowd, so i'm wondering if this is our sbd which got circulated??
    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2010
    DJ...this was supplied by Andrew...just not sure of the lineage.
      CommentAuthorDJ Easy Wind
    • CommentTimeDec 28th 2010 edited
    OK, not sure if I am repeating the above posting of the same show, but I got a SBD copy of Yarn's Fountain House show up. It's my first-ever Archive posting, so please forgive if I repeated the above posting. Here it is:

    • CommentAuthorearlbny
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2010
    Great work for your 1st upload. Wow! killer stuff.
    Thanks DJ~