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    • CommentAuthorjgoods21
    • CommentTimeJan 24th 2010
    May 8th, Main Pub, Manchester CT! Outstanding! Lots of great Yarn shows to see in the next few months!
    • CommentTimeJan 25th 2010
    May 8th? MAY? C'mon, man, I need a fix NOW! C'mon, help a brother. Gimme a nickel bag of Yarn!
    Yes, but I'm hoping that this date will coincide with ant5marching's trip to the States.

    We got a couple of Febs and a May.....there's bound to be somethin' poppin' up between those tous!

    March 6th back at the Red Square in Albany. Man I wish they'd find a better place to play in Albany. Swore last time that I wouldn't go back there and just may skip it. That venue is the epitome of a drag. A piss-hole Friday drinking place where everyone talks loudly over a shitty sound system. Both times I've been there for Yarn, Blake had to go through sound check all friggin' night long.