Welcome, Guest

      CommentAuthorDJ Easy Wind
    • CommentTimeApr 29th 2020 edited
    Greetings to our Yarn Family! <3

    I like to affectionately refer to ourselves as 'Yarniacs'. It's a term of endearment that I'm not sure everyone here is on board with, but I think it's apt! But you know what they say about opinions...

    I just want to say , that in these very strange and scary times, I LOVE YOU ALL! It's been many weeks since my last live show of any kind, but the Yarn show at Roy's Hall is still a fresh and wonderful memory.

    I'm sorry the Yarn / Keith Kenny NYC Boat Cruise had to be postponed, but with the Grace of our Creator, hopefully we can all Boogie with the Boys on August 28th, 2020.Fingers crossed...


    May I suggest we post some great photos / videos / stories of Yarn memories on this page. (If someone would tell me how to post a photo here, I'll join in!)

    <3 <3 <3