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    • CommentAuthoradmin
    • CommentTimeAug 5th 2019
    I've been pondering what to do with this website for some time now. It launched a little over 10 years ago and even at that time, band message boards were waning. Facebook was taking over everything and it all started off pretty slowly.

    The website doesn't cost all that much and given the birth of a viable, growing and eventually self-sustaining website community, I would happily continue to foot the bill. Alas, not only does the current version consist of 10 - 20 people who even check it, there are dozens and dozens of original posters who registered, made a post or two and were never heard from again. We currently have a few hundred memberships but 95% are unused. I currently have 10 applicants in the que who haven't confirmed their intent to join. If they did join, they probably wouldn't post anyway.

    This place has been around for 123 months. 123 times $11.00 a month = $1,353.000

    Again, I would continue to invest the money if the place was growing and if Yarn was still a big part of my musical life. As it is, Yarn did their best to establish a Northeast fan base. I can't slight the band, they did all they could. The lame assed Northern music fans are to blame. I don't see much Yarn anymore and thus, I don't listen to them nearly as much anymore. They come near me once or twice a year now and if I have an important conflict and can't make a show, I can go nearly a full year without seeing them.

    Another stat: I have to check each day for membership requests. Oh, it's just a click each morning when I boot up the computer but (123 x 30 = 3690) I've done that routine for the past 3700 days!

    A few years back, someone linked this site to Yarn's website. Nobody contacted me about that, it just happened so I have no idea how the band or its management feels about this part of the Yarn community. I've never heard of them actively promoting it. I have nothing but admiration and love for Blake Christiana. He's been so very good to me and tangled all these years. I can't recall all the shout-outs, the dedications of songs to us and wonderful conversations. I will always keep an eye out for when Yarn comes near.

    So what to do? I'd like to hear from some of you regulars. The nice thing is that much of Yarn's history is archived here and losing that is my greatest concern. Keeping up on tour dates and such is easy on the other social media forms though. Do we still need this website?

    • CommentAuthorBob
    • CommentTimeAug 5th 2019
    Hi Reckless, a large and warm thank you for all the time and effort you put into 5 Guitars. I am sure it is frustrating to see little involvement or traffic on this page. As a fan I do appreciate the posts and conversations that ensue here. I would venture to guess the other folks who drop in here and add to the discussion feel the same way. It is mind boggling not to find more involvement from the fan base. As you stated and I agree, a large part of it is the rise of other social media outlets with Facebook being the big one. I think this page is a little more personal.

    I would hope that if this page were mentioned or promoted every now and again it would add some traffic, I would hope. Will folks (both new and old) post and be part of the conversation, I guess that's the question. As you stated the numbers would suggest otherwise.

    I, personally would like to see this page/website continue for the foreseeable future, be that 6 months, a year or whatever. If I can be of any help to you in making that happen, please let me know. I will continue to spread the word to all and work in the bands best interests.

    I think Yarn has established an awesome base in the northeast. I am guessing that with Blake & Ricky moving south, it was just a natural evolution and work went with them. I don't think in any way shape or form it is because the northern fans are lame. I base that on the fact that over the last 10 plus years seeing Yarn shows in the area, as well as hosting Yarn at local venues the turnout is always solid, supportive, knowledgeable, appreciative and faithful. I am sure you see that when they come to Towne Crier and other "local" spots. It is an honor to be part of the Yarn family, they are a dedicated crew.

    I think I have met most of the "regulars" who contribute here, I do hope we hear from some of the on this topic, either way I guess that's a good indicator right there.

    Thank you again Reckless/Admin for all that you have done, it has not gone unnoticed and it has not been forgotten. I offer you my time and any other resources I can possibly give in order to keep it going.
    Hope to see you soon.
    • CommentAuthoradmin
    • CommentTimeAug 6th 2019 edited
    Thanks Bob. I would never just pull the plug.

    For a few years I was a moderator at ryanadamsarchive.com and when Ryan became a dick toward us tapers, the owner Joel, did exactly that and it sucked. We had 30,000 members worldwide and lots of activity and one morning I woke up and poof, it was gone. There are still some friends I never heard from again because I didn't have their contact info so I won't do that.

    I'll have to simply disagree with your assessment of NE music fans. I spent too many nights in venues with 10 fans to believe otherwise. Then there are the nights when they KILL a venue and it's packed and everyone's dancin' drinkin' and having a blast. 6 months later at the same venue....20 people. WTF happens?

    I also expected a little more of a response here. At any other message board I've participated in, if the admin made a post about closing it, there would surly be more than one response from the membership in a 24hr period.
    • CommentAuthorshotdoc12
    • CommentTimeAug 6th 2019
    I've only posted a few times at most over the years, but very regularly (daily or every few days) check the board. I enjoy reading the comments and the banter. For me, I get insight that I don't know how I'd get otherwise. Thanks for what you do, and I certainly understand your position.
    • CommentAuthorRicky B.
    • CommentTimeAug 6th 2019
    Love you all!
    • CommentAuthorBob
    • CommentTimeAug 7th 2019
    Love you more Ricky B
    • CommentAuthoradmin
    • CommentTimeAug 10th 2019
    Shotdoc and Bob, thanks for your comments.

    Ricky, we all love you too but I was really looking for some perspective from the band or a representative about this site and its value to the band. I'd have to think that it would be mentioned at least occasionally by the band publicly if it was of any importance.

    This week of virtually no response from the 5G community confirms that this place is probably approaching its end.
    • CommentAuthorBrouche
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2019
    I still check in here occasionally. Chasing a toddler around has me catching fewer shows and less ability to jump in the car to chase the band down for the weekend. Seems like this sight was always a labor of love for you. I think the old school will still come back and check in from time to time but don't imagine there to be much growth since there is so much info available on social media, etc
    • CommentAuthorChrisR
    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2019
    My wife and I are a bit late in finding Yarn. We are about 3 years in and a little over a dozen shows. An exceptional band to say the least. We can not for the life of us figure out why they are not filling larger venues. The music, lyrics and stage performance is hard to beat. Finding it within small venues makes it all the better. A personal touch if you will. We enjoy hearing about how songs came about and for us vastly improves the experience. I joined up to 5guitars to keep up to date on the bands whereabouts and what they are up to. Although social media is where anyone can see schedule performance dates you do not get the notes from Blake or the rest of the band like I see here. That alone is a reason to keep it alive. Your efforts are not lost on the folks who stay in touch trough your site. Yard will continue to be a big part of our lives. My wife's and my music are far apart yet with Yarn we stand together and groove at the shows. For that alone I'm indebted to these guys! Our union is better for it. How can you not appreciate that! The walls in my little bar downstairs is now loaded with Yarn posters from shows we saw. The NYE show all the way in Ashville NC was well worth the trip for us and hopefully they will be within our reach this NYE (making it 3 in a row). We almost always go to see them when up in the NE but we are willing travelers when the timing works.

    I vote for you to continue to keep the site active. I feel the band is growing its audience and really honing their chops. I for one see brighter lights ahead for these guys! Now I wish I had a better more creative site name something like.....cocaine bear??
    • CommentAuthoradmin
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2019
    Thanks Chris. It's been nice having you aboard.
    • CommentTimeSep 23rd 2019
    Do you have a paypal account or venmo i.d.?

    Would be happy to support the cause. It would suck to lose the vast amount of knowledge I have dropped/picked up on this place lol, TPFIC.
    • CommentAuthorDSquared
    • CommentTimeSep 24th 2019
    Good evening Reckless,

    I'm sorry I didn't see your post in August. I'm always looking at the past and upcoming show posts.
    Reckless, I would just like to say thank you for starting and keeping this site up for all us YARN fans out there! This site is my one and only go to site for news and upcoming shows. I have a Facebook account, I don't use it! This is YARN'S website! Because of this site , I've gotten to hear early shows from back in the early NYC days. I've learned about the ups and downs of the band. It's what a website does, and your doing it.
    I was thinking that over the past 6 years you have have been my travel agent. MY family and friends have road tripped from CT to NC to NJ and to upstate NY to see this band and I couldn't have done it without this website. But, I will emphatically disagree with you about the NE fans. I know that sometimes there might not be a full house at the gig, but the fans that are there are supporting them ten fold. They need to play more shows in CT! Their fan base is growing in CT.
    So, to answer your questions; "What to do"? & "Do we need this website"? I agree that more band input would keep it fresh and maybe attract more return viewers. When they were doing the Lucky 13 cuts every week , that was cool. Maybe a weekly spot "Notes from the road" ? and then YES! you need to keep the website up!

    Thank you again, If there is anything I can do. Let me know.

    Peace D2
    • CommentAuthoradmin
    • CommentTimeSep 26th 2019
    Thanks for the replies folks....we'll keep her rollin' for a while.
    • CommentAuthorBob
    • CommentTimeOct 1st 2019
    Thank you admin for keeping it going. Anything you need from me, or many others who have offered to step up please let us /me know. Thanks again.
    Dear Admin,

    Thanks so much for keeping the flame burning in cyberspace for us Yarniacs! I appreciate checking in and getting accurate, up to date info, tour dates and musical links, and I have shared all of the above on multiple occasions.

    The only thing is I didn’t know that there was a membership supported by financial contributions. I’d be glad to support 5 Guitars with a donation and would hate to see such a great resource for the fans disappear.
    Kindly elicit the details on how to pay for a membership and I’ll be on board!

    Thanks again for all you have done and continue to do!
    • CommentAuthoradmin
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2019
    No problem DJ, thanks for all of your Yarn support too.

    ....at some point we may look into some way to have the membership float the 11 bucks a month but for now, rock on.
    • CommentAuthorBob
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2019 edited
    Hello 5G folks,

    Thank you for your input on this discussion, your offers of monetary backing, as well as being regular contributors to this site. Please spread the word about this site, we would love to see it grow and please continue to participate.

    A HUGE thank you to the admin for his 10 years of dedication and financial backing in order to keep it going. After a number of personal discussions he has allowed me to share some of the duties of maintaining and operating 5Guitars. I thank you for your trust and appreciate your willingness to keep it rollin' for a while.

    As I said in my original post on this topic I find this page to be more personal and intimate than the mass social media outlets. I imagine you all feel the same way. PLEASE continue to be a part of this as well as to enlighten others as to it's existence. PLEASE continue to bring your friends to shows, turn them on to some of the best music and professional musicians they have ever seen. Let's kick it into a higher gear and really keep it rollin'

    We will revisit this topic sometime in the future. In the mean time be well, see you out on the road.


    Well, super late to the this conversation and I certainly fall into the category that doesn't check in here much anymore.

    Its pretty hard to stay connected when you live on the other side of the planet and never get to see them basically, but without this site, I'm not sure how I would even listen to them other than albums! I think I might be a little unique in my location challenges though out here in Australia :D but I do appreciate this site!

    Recklesss - thank you for all your work over the years!

    Hi Ant, good to see ya poke yer head in the door. I fondly recall the visit we had with you and your wife....hope all's well with you.

    One thing I would like to request of our small membership....would at least a couple of members from other parts keep and post a setlist? I do this for every show and folks seem to enjoy hearing what was played. I don't get set lists from the majority of you~