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    • CommentAuthorChrisR
    • CommentTimeApr 23rd 2019
    Heading up to catch the show at the Falcon. Never been but look forward to seeing the place. Bringing about 6 of us. Going to have dinner at the event. Anyone want to join in? Let me know.
    ...a distinct possibility for us. We're 1.5hrs away and it's a Friday.

    I had hip replacement surgery exactly two weeks ago but my recovery has been incredible. Caught Cooley & Hood (Dimmer Twins) last Friday 10 days post OP!

    Hope to catch up with you Chris~
    • CommentAuthorChrisR
    • CommentTimeApr 24th 2019
    RC Nice recovery to say the least. That's pretty fast.. Wishing you continued good health. Hope you can make it. As always going to be a great show.

    We are heading down to Tennessee first week in August. Hopefully they will have a gig near enough for us to go see them. Checking out NE area for retirement in about 6-7 years...
    • CommentAuthorDSquared
    • CommentTimeMay 8th 2019
    It was the first time Yarn has ever played this place and they delivered! The Falcon is a great place to see a show. The room has a really good vibe and the mix was clean. I got to take my son there for his 14th birthday. He has 5 YARN shows under his young belt. Not bad.
    I wish the show was recorded. Any copies out there? Great setlist, New song, Old songs and some killer Van!

    Next time YARN plays The Falcon, make the trip! Well worth it! One more thing , the food is awesome!!
