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    • CommentAuthorearlbny
    • CommentTimeJan 3rd 2010
    I cut and pasted the following from the Counting Crows message board. It was orig posted by Duritz fan. This would perfect from Yarn to get involved with.

    Straight from AD's Twitter:
    (Tweets in order about 2010)

    1.) We're launching UnderwaterSunshine.com, this year. It'll be like a home entertainment center where you can always find interesting cool shit

    2.) UnderwaterSunshine.com will have Counting Crows Live archives, our store, radio shows by Immy, me & any friends like Bill who want to make 1

    3.) It'll also have an improved DownTheRabbitHoleMagazine w/ articles on music, film, TV, books, plus things like sports, politics, & business

    4.) I'll still be editing the mag & writing for it but so will a lot of other friends (actually anyone who wants to submit a good article can)

    5.) Here's a link to Bill's last blog: http://bit.ly/6eduBy, & you can find old issues of my magazine @ http://www.downtherabbitholemagazine.com

    6.) We're also gonna have clips from FREELOADERS, the film I made w/Broken Lizard last year, & from any other cool film that wants stuff up

    7.) We'll be giving away free downloads from ourselves & other indie bands & we'll be helping those bands sell their music too.

    8.) If the music industry's going under except for big mainstream acts, someone's got to help new music find it's way to people who'll love it.

    9.) We were once an indie band w/good music but no one to hear it. We got lucky & we're gonna pay that back. For the bands, the music, & for you

    10.) That's all I have to say for now. Welcome to 2010. Welcome to the New Frontier. "From the outside of everything/To thte inside of you..." ad

    That website sounds like a mix of LiveCC, Devil and the bunny show, Down THe Rabbit Hole, and Tyrannosourus Records!

    How cool is this? Sounds awesome.
    Can't wait.